How Is My Medical Alert Necklace Protected?

At Life Guardian Mobile, we have a reliable medical alert necklace that keeps you and your loved ones safe. We serve many seniors in the U.S. and Canada, with flexible service plans to give you maximum protection.  Our strong vendor agreements in both countries allow us to meet your needs to keep you secure wherever you go.

We strive to provide instant technical support 24/7, as we work to put your priorities first.  Regardless of age, you can benefit from our durable medic alert devices.

Below we share a few ways your medic alert necklace is enhanced to better fulfill your needs:

Our Medic Alert Necklaces Are Waterproof

Most accidents occur in the bathroom or shower.  A recent study shows that those 65 or older have 79% of their injuries in the bathroom.  234,000 adults (including youth) slip in the bathroom each year.

At Life Guardian, our medic alert necklaces are waterproof.  Even if you get your button wet, the signal still delivers.  You can press the button to alert our team should an accident occur.  These features give you the freedom to wear your necklace in both the bath and shower.

Be sure, however, to not dip your alert necklace in more than 3.3 feet of water or submerge it longer than 30 minutes.  These precautions will help your medic alert necklace last longer and continue to work when you most need it.

Our Medic Alert Necklaces Have A Longer Battery Life

With our medic alert necklace, you need not to worry about a short battery life.

Our necklaces last up to 72-hours without charging.  We recommend you recharge it nightly, however, just in case of emergencies.  If the necklace battery is under 10%, your unit will alert you and family of the issue.

Our Medic Alert Necklaces Have a Reliable Network

Our medic alert necklace comes with reliability and a secure network to prevent disruptions.  The necklaces operate on the 4G wireless network with coverage across North America.

We design our networks to stay online irrespective of weather events or natural disasters.  Below is a list of events that our networks can withstand to keep your necklace connected and functional:

  • Fires
  • Floods
  • Hurricanes
  • Ice storms
  • Major power failures
  • Tornadoes

Our stations are multi-locational and fully redundant to keep single points of failure from disrupting connectivity between you and our central station.  Our central stations poessess surge suppression platforms, industrial-grade generators, and proper power management tools to ensure connectivity at all times.  Our facilities ensure no disturbance in service or problems with your connection.  We have 99.99% guaranteed uptime.

Our Medic Alert Necklaces Are More Durable

At Life Guardian, we have the most durable medic alert pendants in the field.  Our medic alert necklaces have a robust construction that can withstand sudden events.

A common concern with these systems is that they may shatter.  With our medical alert necklaces, you need not worry about them breaking.  They are shatter-resistant, and made with quality material to last for years to come.

The sturdy elements within each unit along with our ultra-secure 4G network assure that you can wear our devices without concern of sudden service loss or the unit breaking.

Our Medic Alert Devices Have Fall Detection Features

Our fall detection systems use a variety of techinal protocols including axis accelerometers.  These are low-powered radio waves that keep track of someone’s movements.  The fall alert feature can detect instant falls by tracking sharp body movement changes.  

Below are three main elements that our fall alert systems track given a particular user:

  • Which body position are they in given a particular moment?
  • What type of regular physical activities do they engage in?
  • How smooth is the speed of their movements?

If our data concludes that your movements fall within our “distress zone,” the device will instantly trigger an alert to our team.  With our fall alert system, you will be able to stay safe no matter where you go.  Your loved ones will feel relieved knowing you are looked after, even in their absence.

Choose a Medical Alert Service That Will Keep You Safe 

If you or one of your loved ones could benefit from a medical alert necklace, we are here to help.  Our devices will improve the lives of our users and meet their unique needs.  Seniors are always at risk of deadly falls and accidents.  Do not wait to get your loved ones the help they need.

Contact us today, and take the first step in keeping your loved ones safe and secure.  With Life Guardian Mobile, you will get best-in-class emergency alert services.  We are here to help.